1 Agosto 2017 – 31 Agosto 2017

BELINDA CAMPBELL is a multidisciplinary artist who lives and works in Montreal. Her work oscillates between performance, video-performance, music, drawing and poetry. She has presented her solo and collective work several times, notably at “Axe Neo 7” in HullGatineau, “L'oeil de Poisson” in Quebec City, “Dare-Dare” and “Optica” in Montreal. Her videos were broadcast in Marseille at the Théâtre Cafoutche, at the Théâtre de l'Embobineuse and in the framework of the Fifa. Since 2004 she collaborate with Caroline Dubois. Together they formed the duo Fesses et Crécelle (2006-2010) and presented their pieces at Théâtre La Chapelle and Clark. Recently she developed a project with Pascal Dufaux, the Kaleidoscopic Chamber, combining video-kinetic machine and musical performance. Here she started to be interested by the manipulation of certain instruments that she approaches in composition: the kalimba, the bandoneon, the korg, among others. In 2016, she performed at the Musée d'art de Joliette in an exhibition by the artist Stéphane Gilot where she was interested in the construction of a character through music and the use of a micro-contact, a conjuntion that she continues to develop in the present. Her residency at Zaratan is sponsored by CALQ - Conseil des Arts et des Lettres du Québec.
Ossature | The simplicity lies at the heart of the performance that Belinda Campbell produced during her stay in Lisbon. Using only a few painter facts and a table, the artist managed to generate a new character inspired by the art of the puppet theater, manipulating an inanimate object to give it life and fusing its body with an anthropomorphic white mass.
Artist talk | 20/08/17