"INNUNCAMAIS" by Alessandra Eramo
21 Maio 2015 19h00

On May 21 at 9 pm Zaratan - Arte Contemporânea presents "INNUNCAMAIS" an audiovisual installation by Alessandra Eramo (IT / DE).
The audiovisual piece "INNUNCAMAIS" is a composition for voice and text based on the acoustic perception of the artist in relation to phonemes of Portuguese. Each language, whatever their origin, always offers a space for misunderstanding, confusion or auditory and textual distortion. The interaction between different languages, involuntary and sometimes strange, is the starting material in this audiovisual installation of sound poetry.
The voice of Alessandra Eramo speaks / sings found words, understood, misunderstood or not understood. It is not truly existent words, but vocal interpretations of "poorly understood" the Portuguese, a language that the artist doesn´t known. The selection of phonemes that compose the piece appears during the last trip of Alessandra to Portugal in February 2015, when she collect a bunch of environmental recordings: voices, songs and soundscapes of Lisbon.
The visual part of the piece is a video: on a blank screen appears a sequence of words in black, which disappear and reappear at different points of the screen. Sometimes there are multiple words together, others there is just a word. In synchronous, the sound of the artist's voice interprets these words. The video monitors transcribed directly each of the phonemes and each sound is heard.
Alessandra Eramo
Alessandra Eramo (1982, Taranto) is a vocalist, sound artist and composer. Her artistic work explores the relationship and tension between vocality and writing, using sound, performance, installation, drawing and video. The voice is her main instrument, which she radically extends to discover a personal visceral and archaic language, exploring its phonetics, its physicality and trance-like states. She has performed and exhibited widely in Europe, Turkey, USA and Canada, among others, at: museum FLUXUS+ Potsdam, Torna Istanbul, Deutschlandradio Kultur, Galerie Haus am Lützowplatz Berlin, Liverpool Biennial, Lyd & Litteratur Festival Aarhus, Roulette New York, Sonic Circuits Festival Washington DC, 54th Venice Biennale.Her compositions are released on international experimental music labels. She is co-founder of the label “Corvo Records vinyl & sound art production”, where her solo LP “Come ho imparato a volare” and her 7'' “Roars Bangs Booms” were released. She lives and works in Berlin.