SAMUEL GAPP | "Social Distancing"

10 Setembro 2020 16h00

SAMUEL GAPP | “Social Distancing”

OPENING: September 10, at 16:00
CONCERT: September 20, at 18:30
OPEN: Sept 10 – Sept 20, 2020
SCHEDULE: Thursday to Sunday, 16:00- 20:00

“Social Distancing” is an audiovisual installation by Samuel Gapp composed by a series of improvised musical pieces that became the basis for recording and editing moving images.

The project arose in the context of the covid-19 pandemic and relative rules of social distance. At this time, musicians could not play together and there had to be found ways of combining musical ideas from distant physical places.

In response to this quest, Samuel Gapp's proposal was to record a series of improvised duo performances. One of the two musicians recorded and sent an improvisation to another, who overdubbed a second improvisation without listening to the original music in advance. There was only one chance without any possibility of preparation. The result is a deeply honest music, a metaphor about the need to deal with unchangeable, given situations in life.

Each of the musical pieces that emerged from this process has its own distinct atmosphere that requires an appropriate image.The videos that overlap with the music are simple abstract images, observations of the natural environment, small gestures and other details that suggest a contemplative condition towards the phenomena of the real.

BIO: Samuel Gapp (*1997) is a German pianist and composer, living in Lisbon.He studied jazz at the “Hochschule für Musik und Tanz” in Cologne, Germany and the “Escola Superior de Múscia” in Lisbon. In 2019 he won the Prémio de Composição Bernardo Sassetti with his compositions for string quartet and jazz trio, as well as the Prémio Jovens Músicos with the quartet of saxophonist Tomás Marques. After finishing his bachelor degree in 2019, Samuel Gapp decided to stay in Portugal as a professional musician. Gapp has already worked with musicians like Evan Parker, Christian Lillinger, Peter Brötzmann, Peter Evans, among others.Besides his musical projects, he is working more and more in projects combining music with other types of art, which was the principal idea for the exhibition "Social Distancing".