1 Agosto 2021 – 31 Agosto 2021

OPEN STUDIO, Rebecca Tennenbaum, "Choice Architectures”
26, 27, 28, 29 August
28 August, 18h
Rebecca Tennenbaum lives and works in Philadelphia, where she is an active member of the local art and education community. There, she is also a member at Pink Noise Projects, an artist-run exhibition space, and teaches at Temple University and Drexel University.
Although her practice had initially a strong sculptoric component, during the pandemic she felt a need to return to a more immediate process. Since then, she’s been making drawings that are a humorous yet sincere exploration of the nature of the human experience: the continuous movement of thought and the processes of deliberation and choice. Her works evoke a sense of functionality while staying rooted in abstraction.
Recently, Rebecca has been reading about decision-making and other aspects of behavioral psychology. While at Zaratan, she will complete a series of drawing hopes to continue her research and complete a series of drawings about decision-making.
Rebecca Tennenbaum is presenting a new drawing series exploring the fundamental action of daily life, choosing between options. Humorous yet sincere, the series portrays processes of decision-making and the continuous movement of thought. Interested in psychology and behavioral economics, she questions the position of the individual; are we ever responsible for constructing the framework around our decisions, or do we only operate within the frameworks provided for us by our environments and big data? When are we influenced to make certain decisions over others, and how often are we aware of this influence?
OPEN STUDIO, Rebecca Tennenbaum, "Choice Architectures”
26, 27, 28, 29 August
28 August, 18h