1 Agosto 2017 – 30 Setembro 2017

PAULA SCAVAZZINI (1990, São Paulo) studied Visual Art at the Fundação Armando Alvares Penteado (FAAP) and graduated in Artistic Education in 2016 at the Faculdade Santa Marcelina (FASM), both in São Paulo, where she currently lives and works. Her artistic practice, which interacts with different communities and reflects on the pictorial medium as a kind of metalanguage, where the paintings, explicitly or implicitly, refers to itself.
She participated in several collective exhibitions, among which stand out: "Art Londrina 5", House of Culture - UEL (2017, Londrina - PR), "A tufo of hairs strongly attached to a corporal", Epicentro (2017, São Paulo - SP), "2nd Exhibition of the Exhibition Program", Museum of Art of Ribeirão Preto Pedro Manuel-Gismondi - MARP (2016, Ribeirão Preto - SP), "August In Eight Acts", Satyros Station (2015, São Paulo - SP), "Volatile", Brazilian Museum of Art - MAB / Centro (2015, São Paulo - SP), "4th Salon of Artists without Gallery", Zipper Galeria, (2013,São Paulo – SP).
Priscila, Bárbara, Amara, Keyla e Karen | Between São Paulo and Lisbon Paula Scavazzini met four transsexual women who became the subject of the paintings produced during the residency.
Approaching the theme of the portrait associated with the transsexual subject, a series of central questions of the visual representation of the self and the other emerge, such as the hermeneutic relation between reality, representation and perception, between object and subject (painting and appearance), between appearance of appearance, which makes recognizable the subject and the effort to portray what is not directly available for the look.
With this research Paula does not intend to solve the problems of society in terms of gender and sexuality, but rather to offer the public a less stereotyped portrait of contemporary sexuality, unlike many other recurring iconographies in our daily lives.
and who became the subject of the paintings gathered here.
Approaching the theme of the portrait associated with the transsexual subject, a series of central questions of the visual representation of the self and the other emerge, such as the hermeneutic relation between reality, representation and perception, between object and subject (painting and appearance), between appearance of appearance, which makes recognizable the subject and the effort to portray what is not directly available for the look.
With this exhibition Paula does not intend to solve the problems of society in terms of gender and sexuality, but rather to offer the public a less stereotyped portrait of contemporary sexuality, unlike many other recurring iconographies in our daily lives.
Artist talk | 20/08/17
Open Studio | 17-18-19-20/08/17 e 27-28/09/17