1 Abril 2018 – 31 Maio 2018

MAR SUÁREZ & PAULA GIBERT são duas jovens artistas espanholas, sediadas em Lisboa. Trabalham juntas desde 2017, combinando as suas recíprocas áreas de investigação.
Mar Suárez (Santiago de Compostela, 1993) desenvolve o seu trabalho como artista audiovisual, combinando a perceção das imagens e sua representação com a dialéctica da palavra. Paula Gibert (Barcelona, 1996) desenvolve acções mínimas em forma de instalações baseadas no processo de construção estrutural e na contextualização do espaço.

New References to Combat Precariousness | In order to elaborate transgenerational strategies to combat precariousness, Mar and Paula followed the daily routines of the elderly in the neighborhood of Graça, in Lisbon, and were thus comparing their current economic instability with that of the retirees. 

New References to Combat Precariousness is the result of two months of living and filming in the neighborhood, in the company of an old camera - inherited from their parents - that records in mini DV, where the same tape - which has already recorded the family moments - has been recycled dozens of times. In this sense we can say that the modes of production of the documentary are consistent with the theme of precariousness: low-fi and Do It Yourself.


Although there is a certain amount of irony and humor in the relationship they construct with their "new" references, the situation is rather tragic: it is about making things work for their art and their life, where the loneliness of old age echoes the history of immigrants and the difficulties of young artists.

Artist Talk | 13/05/18
Open Studio | De 31/05/18 até 02/06/18