LISTAS by Sara & André
3 Setembro a 3 Outubro

OPENING | September 3, 2020, 16:00-20:00
OPEN | 04/09 - 03/10
GUIDED TOUR | July 26 at 18:00
Numbers going up, numbers going down. Plateaus of numbers. Sick. Hospitalized. Deaths. Recovered. Tests. During this pandemic time of exact quantifications, it is a pleasure to present Listas, the latest project by Sara & André, which invite us to rethink the media's instrumentalization of numbers. “Infected” by the conceptual work of the Spanish artist Ignasi Aballí (1958 -), since 2017 the artist duo obsessively cut and sew figures and words from the newspapers, as classifying the facts by categories could allow them to get closer to a more objective perception of the unreachable flow of data that surround us. After seeing them assuming the role of curators, editors, jury, we are equally happy to see Sara & André returning to Zaratan as artists - the true essence of their chameleonic nature and central axis of all the multiple faces they assume.
SCHEDULE | Thursday to Sunday,16:00 to 20:00
SUPPORT | República Portuguesa – Cultura / Direção-Geral das Artes, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, Fundação D. Luis
ENTRY | Free