20 Julho 2023 16h00

INTERACTIVE INSTALLATION | 20-21-22-23 Julho 2023
SCHEDULE | 16:00-20:00
ENTRY | Free

Zaratan is thrilled to present Unknown Network, the latest project by Sanna Gossy produced during her residency in Lisbon.
Developed through different media, the work on display takes the shape of an interactive installation that invites the audience to join a sensory experience in an immersive environment.

The project reflects how plants and trees communicate and get in touch with each other through their underground network of roots, implementing a corporation system that is hidden and magical. By creating and inhabiting an immersive installation, the artist is looking to share a similar sense of connection and community among humans.

The work includes a poetry reading by Eriko Jane Takeno, fellow artist-in-residency at Zaratan. By offering a ritualistic healing experience to the public, Sanna and Eriko wish to share the mutual feeling of connection and cooperation they have experienced through the artistic process.
On the opening day, the two artists will be physically present to activate the installation and guide the audience's participation.

BIO: SANNA GOSSY (b. in Judenburg/Styria, Austria) lives and works as a visual artist in Vienna. She studied sculpture and printmaking at the University of Applied Arts, Master of Fine Arts (distinction). She received several grants and prices, such as: Fohn scholarship, Kunstpreis Stmk, the Staats-Theodor-Körner-Förderungspreis. Recently her works integrated the Joanneum Collection. Her artistic work includes extended sculpture, painting, digital print, photography and installations. Through her artistic practice she explores the delicate balance between nature and humanity, physical and mental balance, reality and perception.
Her surreal and figurative sculptures, installations, paintings and photography incorporate diverse materials and everyday objects, creating colorful and textured conglomerates that reflect both art history and contemporary social media culture.

LINKS: @sannagossy | https://www.sannagossy.com/