LOS NINÕS MUERTOS with Diana Combo

5 Dezembro 2015 21h00

Closing of the exhibition “WE ONLY WANT THE INTANGIBLE" and concert by "LOS NIÑOS MUERTOS" + DIANA COMBO

On the 5th of December at 7pm, to celebrate the end of the group exhibition "We Want Only the Intangible", Zaratan - Arte Contemporânea presents a concert by "Los Niños Muertos" with the participation of Diana Combo.
"Los Ninos Muertos" (Andrea Tasso - prepared guitar and Bruno Humberto - synthesizers, walkie talkies) is an improvised, minimal, exploratory and psychedelic music band, with residency at the association “Irreal”. They invited this time Diana Combo (cymbals) to play together.