Bárbara Bulhão (Portugal, Évora, 1992) Lives and works in Lisbon. She obtained a degree in Sculpture at the Universidade de Évora (2013), a Master's Degree in Sculpture Studies, Faculdade de Belas-Artes de Lisboa (2015), and attended the Independent Study Programme Maumaus – Escola de Artes Visuais, in Lisbon (2016). Of the individual exhibitions, we highlight:”Telhados de casas maiores que a minha”, at Hotel Madrid (Caldas das Rainha, 2016), “Duas Naturezas, um Homem”, Gallery of the Fundão Archaeological Museum (Fundão, 2014). From the collective exhibitions stand out: “The soft show”, Kolder (Gant, 2018), “WIP”, MUTE, Lisbon, “Double”, Geological Museum (Lisbon, 2017), “Sugar shock”, Budapest Galéria, Budapest (Budapest, 2017) ,“RE TORNAR TERRA”, Gallery Bangbang (Lisbon, 2016), “Try Better, Fail Better'15” (Lisbon, 2015), “Palavras na Cidade”, Carpe Diem Arte e Pesquisa (Lisbon, 2014). She participated in the FUSO - Annual International Video Art of Lisbon, in collaboration with the EDP / MAAT Foundation (Lisbon, 2017), the Lisbon-Budapest Interchange (Budapest, 2017) and in the publication ENTKUNSTUNG I, A Year Book - Entkunstung Journal (Austria, 2017), at PERIPLOS / ARTE PORTUGUÉS DE HOY, CAC Málaga (Espanha, 2015), in the Projeto Imago Mundi da Benetton Foundation (Espanha, 2015). She won the Relief Prize D. Fernando, at the Museum of Arts (Sintra, 2017) and the contest Artes e Talentos 2016, with the exhibition “Demanda” at Palácio das Artes (Porto, 2016).  Of particular note are the artistic residences at the Center for Contemporary Art Studies, Vila Nova da Barquinha, at Residências Artísticas RésVés, in Mértola (2016) and at Praia da Vitória in the Azores (2015). Her work is in the Municipal Collection of Contemporary Art of Sintra (Portugal), Budapest History Museum (Hungary), CAC Modern Art Center (Spain), Fondazione Benetton Studi Ricerche (Italy).